1. Recent papers

  1. Frimpong et al. (2019) Phenotypic evidence of T cell exhaustion and senescence during symptomatic plasmodium falciparum Malaria. Frontiers in Immunology, 10:1345.
  2. Ujeneza E, et al. (2018) A mechanistic model for long-term immunological outcomes in South African HIV-2 infected children and adults receiving antiretroviral therapy.
  3. Degoot AM, Adabor ES, Chirove F, Ndifon W (2018). Predicting antigenicity of influenza viruses using biophysical ideas. Scientific Reports volume 9, Article number: 10218 (2019).
  4. Degoot AM, Chirove F, Ndifon W (2018). A biophysical model for predictions of peptide:HLA-DR interactions based on genomic and structural data.
  5. Frimpong A, Kusi KA, Ofori MF, Ndifon W (2018) Novel strategies for malaria vaccine design. Frontiers in Immunology.
  6. Degoot AM, Chirove F, Ndifon W (2018) Trans-allelic model for prediction of peptide:MHC-II interactions. Frontiers in Immunology, 9:1410.
  7. Frimpong A, Kusi KA, Tornyigah B, Ofori MF, Ndifon W (2018) Characterization of T cell activation and regulation in children with asymptomatic Plasmodium falciparum infection. Malaria Journal 17(1):263.
  8. Adabor ES, Ndifon W (2018) Bayesian inference of antigenic and non-antigenic variables from hemagglutinin inhibition assays for influenza surveillance. Royal Society Open Science 5(7):180113.
  9. Buri G, Zelleke G, Ndifon W (2017). Dynamic regulation of T cell activation by coupled feedforward loops.
  10. Gill Z, Nieuwoudt M, Ndifon W (2017) The Hayflick limit and age-related adaptive immune deficiency. Gerontology, 64(2):135-139.
  11. Rekart ML, Ndifon W, Brunham RC, Dushoff J, Park SW, Rawat S, Cameron CE (2017). A double-edged sword: does highly active antiretroviral therapy contribute to syphilis incidence by impairing immunity to Treponema pallidum? Sexually Transmitted Infections 0:1-5.
    1. HIV treatment might boost susceptibility to syphilis
    2. Does HAART treatment for HIV contribute to rapid rise in syphilis infections?
  12. Ndifon W, Dushoff J (2016) The Hayflick limit may determine the effective clonal diversity of naive T cells. The Journal of Immunology 196(12):4999-5004.
    1. Faculty of 1000 Recommendation.
  13. Ndifon W (2015) A simple mechanistic explanation for original antigenic sin and its alleviation by adjuvants. Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 12: 20150627.