Group updates

Prof. Wilfred Ndifon hosted three research visitors at AIMS Rwanda:

From left Prof. Wilfred Ndifon, Buri Gershom, Augustina Frimpong and Dr. Carl Pearson.

Gershom Buri, PhD student at Stellenbosch University, visited AIMS Rwanda from 18 January to 18 February. Buri is working on formulating a mathematical model to capture the most important aspects of immunosenescence which, if successfully accomplished, would lead to applications in personalized medicine. Buri used the visit to conceptualise and realise this model. He plans to test this model’s accuracy using data. Augustina Frimpong, PhD student at University of Ghana, completed a 2 month visit to the AIMS Rwanda Research Centre on 17 February. Using high-throughput sequencing, computational and mathematical approaches, Augustina  investigates how T cells from malaria patients shape their clinical outcome (asymptomatic, uncomplicated and severe malaria). Dr. Carl Pearson, Research Fellow at London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, visited AIMS Rwanda from 31 January to 8 February 2019. During his stay he worked with Wilfred’s student (Buri) on a project titled “Mathematical modeling of T-cell aging and implications for disease incidence”. The expected outcome was to fit a mathematical model of T-cell aging developed by Wilfred’s group to disease incidence data and compare the results to published work.